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Climber/Bouldering/Mountaineering/Breakdown/Injury Detailed Explanation

​A bouldering manipulative clinic provides optimal treatments for various climbing injuries and individual advice for self-care

skeletal balance
skeletal correction

ボルダリングの整体院 | 東京・目白 | クライミング | 日本初のクライマー専門整体院 | 腱鞘炎|パキる|首が痛い|指が痛い|肘が痛い|肩が痛い|手首が痛い|腰が痛い

Skeletal balance/distortion/displacement

Skeletal distortion hinders the efficient transmission of power, leads to bad habits of movement, causes level stagnation, and leads to frequent breakdowns.

In addition, when the skeleton is unbalanced, fatigue is likely to build up on a daily basis, creating the cause of chronic pain throughout the body.

The skeleton balance will be set up even with the treatment once a month.

As a result, coordination is improved, fatigue of the whole body is less likely to accumulate, and injuries are less likely to occur. It also improves the grade.


Distortion of the neck, spine, and pelvis

Decreased resilience, leading to a body that is easily fatigued

Causes injury and chronic pain

Deterioration of neurotransmission is fatal for coordination tasks. Skeletal distortion is very important because it is directly related to nerve transmission.

By improving the muscle balance of the upper cervical vertebrae (= neck) that supports the skull, the balance of the whole body is improved. In addition, it is possible to correct the pelvis and improve the balance of the whole body by releasing the inner muscle around the pelvis.

with regular maintenance

By balancing the skeleton


"Body that doesn't get tired easily"

"Moveable Body"

"Body that recovers easily from injury"

"Body that can become stronger"

It contributes to smooth performance improvement without unreasonableness.

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Proposing an improvement plan for you

We will also teach you how to self-care

  1. treatment

  2. self care for you

  3. Guidance on daily activities

These three support "recovery without recurrence"


Bouldering manipulative clinic

It's not just a manipulative clinic for climbers

"Counseling office for improving performance"

There is also

Based on the vast amount of data

"The most efficient way to recover"

think with you


Please feel free to contact us without worrying alone!

ボルダリングの整体院 | 東京・目白 | クライミング | 日本初のクライマー専門整体院 | 腱鞘炎|パキる|首が痛い|指が痛い|肘が痛い|肩が痛い|手首が痛い|腰が痛い

​When all else fails, something needs to change. My job is to help you with that. Please don't hesitate to contact us.

ボルダリングの整体院 | 東京・目白 | クライミング | 日本初のクライマー専門整体院 | 腱鞘炎|パキる|首が痛い|指が痛い|肘が痛い|肩が痛い|手首が痛い|腰が痛い

© 2016 by Bouldering Manipulative Clinic

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